Friday 22 June 2018

Python Lesson 3

In this lesson, you are going to learn how to program maths calculations in Python

Objectives and Outcomes

  • To understand that data comes in different 'types'.
  • To be able to describe a types of data (band 3)
  • To be able to explain why a computer needs to know what the data type is for a given input / variable (band 4)
  • To be able to apply this knowledge to create a program that performs arithmetic calculations (band 5)

1.  Open a new blog post and title it the same as this one.

2.  On your post, explain why we have to tell the program what type of data is being stored in a variable.  My slideshow will help you with this...

Slideshow on how to do maths in Python!

Here is the link to the summary sheet (page 1) and the Maths Programming Tasks (page 2)

Share Google doc (Click Advanced - change from Private to Anyone with the Link) and copy/ paste link to your blog post underneath your writing.


Wednesday 20 June 2018

Python Lesson 2

In this lesson you are going to be practising your programming using input, outputs and storage variables.

Here's my slideshow with information and details of the tasks....

Python Lesson 2 slideshow

Wednesday 13 June 2018

Python - Lesson 1

In this lesson, you are going to start to learn how to program in Python.

Previously you've used Scratch to create a program and this involved selecting programming "block" and joining them up in the right order like a jigsaw to make your program run as you wanted.

Python is a programming language where you type in the commands to get the program to do what you want.  It's called text-based programming and is the next stage up from Scratch; you are writing the sort of programming that is going on "behind the scenes" of the Scratch programming blocks.

Objectives and Outcomes

  • be able to describe what Python is (band 3)
  • be able to explain how Python works (band 4)
  • be able to apply your understanding to program inputs and output and store them in variables (band 5)
  • be able to link this work to programming you have done in previous units (band 6)

Here is a link to my slideshow with info and tasks.....

Wednesday 6 June 2018

My Digital World Test links

Here are the links to the multiple choice test for My Digital World unit.

Make sure you click on the test link for your class!

7x1 My Digital World test

7y4 My Digital World test