Thursday 26 February 2015

Unit 3 'Scratch' - Lesson 2

Your tasks this lesson!

Hopefully, you will be able to start work on your assessed Pacman game project this lesson.
Your final assessment for this unit will be based on the project you submit.

1.  Go to Unit 3, Scratch.  If you didn't finish all 5 tasks on Lessons 2 and 3 last lesson, please make sure you quickly finish these now.

2.  Go to Lesson 4.  Read the teacher's presentation.

3.  Use the link on Activity 1 help sheet to see an example of finished game and then follow the instructions on the sheet to start creating your own.

4.  15 - 20 minutes before the end of the lesson you need to take a screenshot of your program so far and paste it to a Google doc.  Explain what you have done with your program so far and whether it works correctly.

Share this correctly (Anyone with the Link) and copy/paste the link to a new Blog post for this lesson.

Publish your post

5.  Don't forget to save your project at the end of the lesson!

6.  Homework reminder!!!  Due in 20th March.  See the first screen in Unit 3 for the task

Monday 2 February 2015

Lesson 3 - Binary Code and Storage

Here is the work that you need to do.  (You can look at the teacher's presentation in lesson 3 of the Building a Computer unit for help).

1.  Open a new post on your Computer Science blog and title the Post the same as this one.

2.  Explain how computers use binary code?

3. What numbers in binary code represent the electric current inside the computers being turned off and on (don't forget to say which is on and which is off!)

4.  Write a short description of the activity you did with torches sending messages to each other.  What was that activity trying to show?

5.  Write down the information from the teacher's presentation (slide 8) listing the different units of data storage (bits, bytes, etc).

6.  When you have done all the work above, click Publish!  :-)

7.   If you don't finish this in the lesson, you'll need to either finish it at lunchtime or at home.  Deadline is the next lesson!