Thursday 23 April 2015

Robotics Lesson 2

Robotics Unit - Lesson 2
Today's tasks!

1.  Go to Learning Computing - Year 7 - Robotics - Lesson 2.

2.  Open the teacher's presentation.  Try to work out what the robot is being programmed to do on the first slide - it's a screenshot of part of the Lego Mindstorm program that you'll be using later in the course.

3.  Read through the rest of the presentation.

4.  Open up a new Blog post for today's lesson and call it 'Robotics Lesson 2'.

5.  On your new post, explain what Selection is used for in programming - what does it allow a robot to do?

6.  Go to Slide 5 and, in Google Draw like last lesson, draw up a flowchart for that programming challenge.  You won't be using the sub-routine symbol this time.

7.  Call your drawing 'Using selection' and share it correctly - click Advanced then change Private to Anyone with the link.  Save that and then copy/paste the highlighted web link on to your Blog post, underneath your Selection explanation.

8.  Click Publish when you have done this.

If you finish before the end of the lesson, you could do some work on your homework task

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